Saturday, October 9, 2010

A Brief History

My 1st bra was wireless, cotton and white with hot pink polka dots all over it! I remember feeling special being one of the 1st girls in my year to start wearing one and secretly enjoyed the attention it gave me from the boys, even though that "attention" was snapping my bra strap at every opportunity. I do not recall the size I was fit into at the tender age of 12 but I'm pretty sure (knowing what I do now) that it was incorrect. A few years later when I was 16 I was wearing a 34C, I'm not sure how I ended up wearing this size but a vague memory recalls me trying on my mothers stash and settling on a racy red lace demi and that the label read 34C. The combination of growing up and some weight gain bumped me up to a 34DD, which I attempted to size myself into due to lack of resources and guidance at the time. This is the size I wore for the best part of 10 years. During this decade my teenage physic changed from a little boyish to all woman and I began to notice that I was not comfortable in my bras at all anymore. I become frustrated as I could not seem to find the right size and did not understand fitting. I would notice that I had 4 breasts under my shirt rather than the 2 God gave me. The band of the bra would ride up my back causing me to constantly  be tugging and rearranging it throughout the day. I was miserable and desperate. I became resigned to the fact that this seemed to be my lot  in life, that this was the price I had to pay for having "More Than a Handful", uh, "Bonus Boob" some might say. Finally so frustrated by the state of my pitiful bra collection: 2 rather sad looking gals that just weren't up to the task of holding me up. I started to think, hold on a minute, I'm not the only woman out there that has boobs and some curves and that this was just plain wrong, there had to be a bra out there that fit me! I began the hunt for a bra that fitted me correctly. I decided to bypass the usual places I would shop for bras, La Senza and the other mainstream suspects, because they were not working for me anymore and I had nearly lynched the sales girl the last time I had stepped foot in one. I decided to look into a higher end boutique type store, you get what you pay for right? Unfortunately the price tag was too high for my purse but I did begin to notice more sizes in these stores, sizes  I hadn't seen before and this got me thinking. I began to realize that my body type wasn't some alien, weird or abnormal thing and that I wasn't the problem here, that I (and all woman) had had the wool pulled over their eyes for years by these generic, mass producing, mass brainwashing companies (we will discuss this topic in a future post)

A few months later  I landed myself a job in one of the bra fitting boutiques I had found on my travels, and so began my adventure into Bra Fitting.


  1. Can't wait to hear more! Mine was a kind of similar story to yours - I just couldn't fit department store/La Senza sizes... I would buy the bra and then two hours later begin the constant re-adjustment process. So frustrating! And very uncomfortable. I finally went to a "proper" bra fitting store when I began having back pain, and the rest is history. Yay for correct bra sizing for REAL women!

  2. Congratulations on your first post! I'm looking forward to reading more. I wish I'd kept a record of all the bra sizes I wore from high school through adulthood.
